Circadin is a medication for Insomnia. Circadin is formulated with Melatonin, a naturally ocurring hormone, in the form of a Prolonged Release Tablet. Circadin is used to treat individuals over 55 years of age who experience primary insomnia. This condition is characterised by poor quality sleep. Circadin is used to improve sleep quality and morning alertness.

Circadin (Melatonin) 2 mg
21 Tablets
Circadin (Melatonin) 3 mg
60 Tablets

Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by the human body. However, the amount of melatonin an individual’s body produces decreases with age. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland (a hormone-producing gland in the brain) according to a circadian rhythm – that is, a time pattern that is repeated each day. The pineal gland begins secreting melatonin each day in the evening. Secretion peaks in the early hours of the morning (2–4 am), then diminishes in the remainder of the night and remains low throughout the day, before melatonin secretion commences again the following evening.

Melatonin, both naturally produced and added to the body in medication, functions to control the body’s circadian rhythm (its rhythm over a 24 hour period, including patterns of sleep and wakefulness). It also controls the body’s response to the dark-light cycle. It induces a hypnotic effect and increases sleepiness.

In older individuals who have naturally reduced levels of melatonin, administration of melatonin-containing tablets should improve sleep quality by improving circadian rhythm regulation.

Dose information

Individuals using Circadin should take one tablet, which contains 2 mg of the active ingredient melatonin, each day. The tablet should be swallowed whole and taken after food, 1–2 hours before it is time to sleep. Circadin should be taken for as long as your doctor prescribes it.

Common side effects of Circadin Prolonged Release Tablets:

Common side effects are those that occur in 1–10% of people given Circadin. These include:

Asthenia (lack of strength and tone) (3.1%);
Back pain (3.2%);
Flu syndrome (1.1%);
Infection (1.5%);
Neck pain (1.0%);
Pain (1.6%);
Constipation (1.1%);
Diarrhoea (1.3%);
Nausea (1.5%);
Arthralgia (pain in the joints) (1.3%);
Dizziness (1.6%);
Bronchitis (2.1%);
Cough (1.1%);
Pharyngitis (4.6%);
Rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose) (2.2%);
Sinusitis (1.0%).

Use in children

The drug is NOT recommended for use in children and adolescents.